9 tips to prepare your store for Valentine's day

February 14 is a date marked on the calendar for all businesses and especially as it is in your case, in e-commerce. Don't wait to the last day and prepares your store online with time to get more sales.
In this post you will have some tips so that you take advantage of all the options of the more "loving" day of the year.
-Redesign your site and decorate for this date:
To dress up the store's Valentine's day must be give a romantic air. Put red tones, hearts, roses... fall in love with them. We know that this option is not valid for all the stores, but if you have a flower shop, a gift shop, a hotel... this day is perfect for all your romanticism you deployments.
-Packaging orders:
Carriers do not tieNEN into account those details and less romantic, why you should do it. "You can give the option of"send gift"and collect an extra small to wrap the package and add a nice message on the card. You can also offer your customers the option of preparing the package for gift and send it along with a romantic role and a card to make themselves which give the final touch to gift. If you offer more than one paper and card design, your customers will be delighted.
-Delivery of orders:
This topic is very important, since Valentine's day is 14 and not 15 or 16... so you have to get to get before that date.
Please note that this year the 14th day falls on Sunday, therefore you must have everything ready so 13 can have it all at his home.
Talk to your agency transportation or contact another looking for urgent deliveries, if you don't have them is very important and if you have them improve shipping time.
-Discounts, promotions and gifts:
Well Yes, that must make, use this date to get promotions, do discounts or even send a gift to the customer. They will thank you. Does not need to be nothing ostentatious, with few chocolates, some jelly beans in the form of heart, a small stuffed animal, or a flower, your customers will take it as a great detail.
-Ticket gift:
Although we create us that you can do it in the shop, not so, with a click, your customers can choose if they want ticket gift, so that the customer does not know the value of the gift if for anything, you have to make a return.
-Social networks:
You can promote your store and items on the social networks, such as: facebook, instagram, twitter, linkedin... Prepare promotions or striking images of products for publication, social networks are the order of the day.
Through them turn visitors into clients faster.
-Articles in the blog:
If you don't have a blog, this may be a good time to create it. Days before Valentine can go writing post giving advice to customers, ideas gifts, showing your promotions and discounts... They find what they are looking for and you will be able to improve your business.
Collect all the emails your customers contact and send a newsletter. It is important that Valentine is adapted to the subject and thus will have more visits.
You have to be original and you have to call the attention, therefore leverages the newsletter to send promotions, product highlights... so the visit to your store is irresistible.
-Keep the quality of your services
But for this special date to increase visits to your store, calls, emails requesting information... You must serve your customers always as they deserve. Always offers a good service, responding to doubts of the buyers, put at your disposal different payment and shipping and take care of every detail. Thus you will manage to retain your clients all year round.
If you follow these tips you will get your customers satisfied on such a special day and only have to worry about enjoying the love.
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