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  • €185.00 - €436.00

Personalised products |

Personalised products

Module to customize custom products (m2, m3, inches), calculation of structures, weights (kg)  - Product Page PrestaShop Modules

Module to customize custom products (m2, m3, inches), calculation of structures, weights (kg)

Improve your PrestaShop for industrial structured sales with MegaProducts. Designed for businesses that require precise customization of products in measurements (m2, m3, inches) and calculation of structures and weights (kg). Ideal for configuring complex products such as curtains, metal structures, bulk foods and jewelry, simplifying the sale of items defined by mass, length

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AWPrime €290.90 info View more
Megaproduct Advanced  - Personalised products

Megaproduct Advanced

Module that he allows expanding the options of the module Megaproducto with the option of viewing a text added by the customer.

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AWPrime €194.90 info View more
Fees for products in Prestashop module  - Addons from PrestaShop

Fees for products in Prestashop module

This module allows the allocation of cannons or options extras to our products PrestaShop, configuring them completely Depending on our needs and our products.

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AWPrime €435.90 info View more

In the world of e-commerce, personalization is the key to standing out and connecting with customers on a deeper level. The "Custom Products" category of our PrestaShop modular store is specially designed to provide merchants with the tools needed to deliver unique and memorable shopping experiences. These innovative modules allow customers to customize products to their liking, transforming the online store into a creative space where the possibilities are endless.

Innovation in customization at your fingertips

The 'Customised Products' category brings together a selection of modules which are the epitome of e-commerce innovation. From product customization options to advanced visual configurers, these modules are designed to equip your PrestaShop store with features that will not only delight your customers but also drive your differentiation in the market.

Transform the shopping experience

Product personalization takes the online shopping experience to a new level. With the modules in our "Custom Products" category, customers can modify features such as color, size, material or even add personalized messages to their favorite products. This interaction not only improves customer satisfaction but also increases the perceived value of your products.

Improves customer loyalty

Creating unique products creates an emotional connection with customers, fostering loyalty and turning casual buyers into brand advocates. Personalized Products" modules allow you to deliver shopping experiences that stay etched in customers' memories, encouraging them to come back for more.

Boosts Sales and Average Order Value

Customization adds value to products, which translates into a willingness of customers to pay more for items that exactly fit their needs and tastes. By implementing "Custom Products" modules, you not only increase your sales, but also raise the average order value in your store.

SEO and improved visibility

Customized products generate unique content that can significantly improve your SEO. Customisable product descriptions, customer reviews and success stories create rich and varied content that appeals to search engines and improves your store's visibility.

Safety and reliability

With our modules, safety and reliability are guaranteed. We ensure that customer personalization information is handled securely and that the personalization process is smooth and error-free, providing a safe and satisfying shopping experience.

Continuous support and updates

By choosing modules in the "Custom Products" category, you also get access to our dedicated support and constant updates. We are committed to keeping your tools up to date with the latest trends and improvements in product customization.

Investing in the Future of Your Store

Opting for Custom Products modules is an investment in the future of your business. These advanced solutions not only address current trends in personalization but also prepare your store to adapt to future market demands.


The "Custom Products" category is your gateway to a world of limitless opportunities in e-commerce. By offering customers the ability to customize their products, you not only enrich their shopping experience, but you also establish your brand as an innovative market leader. Dive into our selection of customization modules and discover how they can transform your PrestaShop store and take your business to the next level.