Module to manage free shipping by area
Module to configure free shipping in your online store, depending on the order amount, delivery area, weight and/or customer group.
Module to configure free shipping in your online store, depending on the order amount, delivery area, weight and/or customer group.
Prestashop module to automatically send orders to Grutinet.
To display on the product page and in the summary of the purchase amount that his client should be added so that the transport is free, encourage customers to buy more without paying shipping!!
Maximize the efficiency of your shipments with MegaShipping: custom rules, cost calculator, delivery selection and more. Everything you need for perfect shipping management in your PrestaShop store
Optimize store pickup with Pickupatstorepro. Allow your customers to choose the location to pick up orders, personalizing their experience.
Once the customer has opted for our store to purchase a product, it is very important not to disappoint you. The article must reach home in the estimated date and in perfect condition. In addition, there are many users who want to be able to choose the date and even the time of delivery and know in advance which day will receive your purchase. Comply with all these requirements is essential to the success of your ecommerce. In addition, increasingly more customers want to receive your order as soon as possible, within 24 hours, or even on the same day of purchase, so your ecommerce logistics process must be perfect so that nothing fails and power comply with delivery times.
In order to comply with the dates is very important to determine the areas in which there are to make deliveries. These areas will also determine the shipping cost is not the same ship a parcel within the city that make it to another country. In addition, add these options in your PrestaShop is a great investment, so it is possible to make it profitable need the customer to make a purchase of a particular minimum cost.
From AlabazWeb put at your disposal modules to manage the dispatch of products from your store with multiple options, so that they can adapt to all your needs. You can specify the cost of shipments to different places, allowing customers to choose when they want to receive your package and even options to vary the carriers tax rates.
To maintain the confidence of the client it is important to know at all times the shipping price. One option that will help you increase sales and keep your customers satisfied is to indicate the cost they need to make the shipment to your home free. From Alabaz we put at your disposal the MegaAmountForFreeShip module with which you can meet this requirement.
If you show the price of the shipment and you meet the delivery times, pampering the packaging and the quality of your products, you will make the customer confident in your ecommerce and feel very satisfied to buy in him.
And if you have any specific need for your PrestaShop and need someone to advise you, do not hesitate and call us. Together we will find the solution that your business needs.