Module for the creation of product tables


A module that allows the creation of tables so that customers choose any combination of products, measures, and attributes and add them directly into the basket.

Prestashop Version: PrestaShop 8
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AWPrime €139.90 info

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All the combinations to the cart in one click

When there are products with many options and you want to choose more than one with different attributes and combinations, the only option you have is to go them adding to the shopping cart as you're selecting the different options. Or so it was until now, because with the module AwTableProducts You can choose different options and quantities of each item and all together then add them to cart.

Add tables and improves the usability of your PrestaShop shop

The AwTableProducts module allows you to create different types of tables to suit all your products and get to do a lot faster and more simple how to add items to your basket.

It shows the combinations of your products in the most visible way

With AwTableProduct you can generate tables with different combinations of a product. In this table you can choose if you want to show, not to show or how to do it different elements that are:

-Product reference: Yes/No

-Price: Not / without VAT / VAT

-Stock: Yes/amount of stock/icons

-Add to cart by lines: not/only line trolley/cart & total lines

Furthermore there is a field where customer can indicate the quantity of each combination that you want to add to the cart.

Examples of tables of combinations with different configurations:

Table without reference, without price, without stock, without adding the trolley line and without filter.

tabla de combinación sin referencia, sin precio,sin carrito por linea y sin filtro

Reference table, price with VAT included, stock shown by icon, the trolley line and active filter:

Tabla con referencia, precio con IVA incluido, stock mostrado mediante icono, el carrito por línea y filtro activo:

Reference table, price without VAT, stock quantity, trolley line and total, and without filter:

Tabla con referencia,  precio sin IVA, cantidad de stock, carrito línea y total, y sin filtro:


You can see an example here:

Create your own tables with groups of attributes

AwTableProducts also allows you to create tables with groups of attributes where you can indicate which group appears in the columns and which in the ranks. In this way a table where combinations are generated is formed and where the customer can choose the amount of each, but with a different to the previous design.

It is also possible to choose if you want to show and how the price and the stock.

Examples: Price including VAT and stock by icon:

tabla grupos Precio con IVA y stock mediante icono:

Without precious metalsIO in stock quantity:

tabla grupos Sin precio y con cantidad de stock

Check how it works:

Add tables with accessories and make them accessible

The third type of table that can be created is of type Accessorieswhere you can show attachments added to the product. The customer can choose what interests you and in what combination, and may add it to your shopping cart directly from the initial product page. In addition, you can choose if you want to continue showing attachments with the original design, or only in the table and check out that price is visible or not.

tabla de accesorios de productos en prestashop

See how it works in the frontoffice:

Customize your tables and place them where you want

You can add names, descriptions at the beginning or at the end of each table, choose in which hook of your store you want to display and if you want the original attributes will be or not. In addition, you can choose what categories the table is visible so that you can create different models or configure only a table for all the products in your prestashop. With the module, it is also possible to disable a table when you need it.

opciones de configuracion para tabla de tipo combinaciones

Add discounts by amount to your table of combinations

Reward customers who buy more units of a product? Since these discounts will also be visible on your chart type combination. In this way the customer will have always visible the cost of product the number of units that you purchase. Also will be shown in red if it is less than the price of a unit:

tabla de tipo combinación con descuento por cantidad

Look at it here:


The best complement for MegaProduct

If you already have installed in your store MegaProduct You can not miss this module because it is the perfect combination for you. With this module you will achieve that the infinity of attributes of your products to appear in an orderly manner and that your customers can select all options of different products in one go.

If you don't even know Megaproduct, you can see here all its features and discover what you can do in this module to help you in your business.
