Importer of products of Infortisa for Prestashop


Module that imports and updates the catalogue of the supplier Infortisa, establishing when and what data will be updated automatically and reliably (new, discontinued products, languages, prices...). (Dropshipping)

Installation: Installation included
Prestashop Version: 1.6
(tax excl.)
(tax incl.)
AWPrime €210.00 info

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Why do I need this module?

If you have a business of droppshipping the dealer Infortisa or you are considering to join this new business model, you will need this module so that manage your store is much more simple.

Dropshipping is a business model in which the online store has no physical store, they import the database from the catalog of a supplier, so customer can buy it from their store and receive it by the same provider. This saves money and space to the dealer since it is not necessary a permanent storage area with physical stock or make large investments in material.

With this importer can start selling Infortisa products quickly and easily, since It allows you to choose which products you want offer your customers and import them directly from your catalog, as well as modify its classification and prices.

Thanks to this module:

Your customers they will have all the assortment of products of Infortisa with the stock and price information updated at all times, and just a click.

You Save time and space in the creation and maintenance of your store of dropshipping, and won't have to worry about manually update products, prices or stocks.

All the features of the module:


Working with a supplier of dropshipping has never been so easy

The importer module allows you import data products and keep updated your way Infortisa supplier catalog automatic and reliable. Only you must indicate what you want to update and how often and the importing module will take care of it. Once configured this, you can forget about and focus all your attention on sell and get the greatest benefits.

Configures the module with the needs of your PrestaShop shop

Infortisa importer module allows you to customize using an interface very visual and easy to use every last detail of the import of databases from your provider.

From the module panel you can make multiple changes concerning categories, carriers, updates, prices, import...

This module will allow you to apply a P.V.P. price or a price plus a percentage of profit, or even determine that percentage will be applied on the basis of price ranges. In addition, you can assign products to categories and carriers you need with a single click. And if that were not enough, by Cron tasks you will be able Automate updates consider timely and often as you decide (twice a day, every day, every 15 days...)

Forget hours on the computer and works with the Infortisa databases easily and fast. Everything you can imagine with the importing module can do so.

It automatically imports the entire catalog of Infortisa

By configuring the panel Import You can select what content import, the corresponding file and import the images or not. In addition, set how to perform the import so the limits of load on your server will not be a problem.

The field Ajax block It will allow you to update as many lines as you like, reloading again every time that you performed the importation of that number of lines, and then import. In this way you will get to the import of go haciendopoco, without saturating your server and avoiding cuts.

No bugs, no errors. Forget what import manually.

All the control on imports of your ecommerce

The module importer also has a so-called tab Logs which will allow you to check if imports have been made correctly or if the tasks Cron are released correctly. In this way you can always check that everything is correct in your PrestaShop store.

Not think it more. This module is all you'll need to make your store always ready and to have the latest in your PrestaShop. You will be able to differentiate yourself from the competition and achieve the best benefits of your ecommerce with the least effort.


* Given the size of the initial file that will download from Infortisa should upload it using the option located at the bottom of the module or your FTP if your hosting have restrictions for uploading a big file.
