Advanced hosting for Prestashop


Advanced hosting optimized for Prestashop. If your store is growing and you need a much more powerful server, this is for you. Our Hosting is 100% compatible with Prestashop and has been optimized to offer the best performance.

Extra Gigas: No GB extras
Subscription: Annual Subscription
(tax excl.)
(tax incl.)
AWPrime €693.33 info

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Hosting for prestashop

If there's one thing you shouldn't skimp on with your store, it's the hosting. What. Having a good server will prevent your online store from falling, loading slowly and your customers from leaving without making any purchases.

In Alabaz Web Pro we have been in the world of e-commerce for more than ten years and in this time we have had to optimize PrestaShop online stores on almost all servers. That's why we can assure you that to achieve the best hosting for online store is necessary merger between PrestaShop experts and hosting experts.

Hosting Prestashop optimized by Alabaz Web

Looking for the best for our customers, in Alabaz Web Pro we have optimized a Dedicated Hosting (VPS) through an agreement with the best companies in the hosting sector. On this server every last detail has been reviewed and optimized to ensure the best performance results.

Technical specifications:

- 10 gigabytes of SSD: SSDs allow faster access to your data, lower power consumption, do not overheat, very quiet, greater reliability at higher speed and optimized to display all the information demanded by prestashop. If your store is growing and you need your hosting to grow with you this is your choice. With 10 Gigabytes of available space you can manage a store with over 40,000 products with two images per product and all descriptions optimized with photos, SEO, etc. efficiently.

- Two gigabytes of RAM: An optimized Prestashop system doesn't need more than 1GB to get ideal results, we double that.

- 300 Giga monthly transfer: This transfer capacity allows it to receive over 900,000 visits per month with optimal performance.

- The cache: with a specially custom configuration for Prestashop. All the libraries necessary to optimize prestashop are installed as standard.

- IPv6: Spanish IP hosting prepared for the future.

Hosting para preestashop con IPv6


- Backups , pleaseWe back up all your files daily and also your database.

- Antivirus and anti-spam: All our hosts have an antivirus and an anti-spam filter installed as standard with which we will prevent most attacks on your website.

Why choose the hosting PrestaShop from Alabaz?

At Alabaz we choose companies with extensive experience in managing high-end dedicated hosting. Among its characteristics we highlight:

- High connectivity: We have three major providers that allow you direct connectivity to your hosting over 30 GB/second. It's directly connected to the neutral point in Amsterdam (AM-IX), which is the second largest exchange point in the world, and thus get a direct connection to companies like Yahoo, Microsoft and suppliers throughout Europe.

And not to mention peering, they are also connected to google in ESPANIX, and in AMS-IX with which they have a direct Google connection from Madrid and Amsterdam, which leads to an improvement in the loading speed of the websites of all Google clients, with the consequent improvement in positioning and competitive advantage.

Choice of domain it is also necessary to specify the number of users

Does your online store need more? There is always the possibility to extend the service to a feature-rich option if your store requires it and without any hassle for you.

In addition, in AlabazWeb Pro we put at your disposal different hosting options so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs. You can see it right here.

Do not wait any longer and start enjoying all the advantages of having a hosting specially designed to work with your store. You'll see the difference.

Data sheet

Review / Update:
08/08/2012: Extending the network core to 10GB, extending connectivity of each cabinet to 3G with the core. Install new switches with 10Gb ports to the core. Installing 10G card to the main routers.
12/12/2012: Expansion of the connection with the Espanix neutral point to 10G, so all our connectivity providers are connected to 10GB, all 5 of them (Colt, Cogent, Tiscali, NTT, Espanix)