Hosting dedicated physical for Prestashop


Physical dedicated hosting for Prestashop. Our Hosting is 100% compatible with Prestashop and have been optimized to offer the best performance.

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Hosting optimized for prestashop
provided and managed by Comvive and optimized for Prestashop Alabaz Web Pro


Alabaz Web Pro has been since 2008 performing custom programming, custom designs, optimizations for Prestashop on almost all Hosting on the market. Different types of projects of e-commerce and of course the budget for this purpose varies in an exponential way.


It must be a compatible with Prestashop application not only Hosting if not additionally optimized for execution. The optimization not is a task easy and need the fusion of expert in the application and expert administrators of Hosting.


In Alabaz Web Pro we have optimized a Hosting dedicated physical through an agreement with where until the last detail is has revised and optimized to ensure the best results of performance.


Technical characteristics:

- Processor QuadCore Xeon E3-1230 V2 3.30 Ghz 8 Mb cache L2 -High-performance with 8 processor cores.

-120 gigas of hard SSD -Them discs SSD allow a more fast access to their data, lower consumption electric, not is warm, very silent, greater reliability to greater speed and optimized to show all the information that demand prestashop.

With 120 gigs of space available to you you can manage a store with over 480,000 products with two images per product and with all the descriptions that are optimized with photographs, SEO, etc in an efficient way. 

- 16 gigabytes of RAM DDR3 1333- An optimized Prestashop system does not need more than 1GB for ideal results.

-20 TB of monthly transfer- This transfer capability allows you to have more than 150,000,000 visitors a month with optimum performance.

- Memcached, XCache, APC -installed as standard (according to your choice), all the necessary libraries to optimize prestashop come installed as standard.

- Additional services -Migration of Web sites from other hosting, IP Spanish, advanced management, support without limitations of tickets and the best network, monitoring, own unlicensed panel or limiting domains updated almost daily, installation from libraries and add-on packages, version of php and mysql at the option of the client, these among others are the characteristics that make us unique.

- IPv6 -IP Hosting Spanish prepared for the future.


Hosting para preestashop con IPv6


- Backup copies -We perform daily backups of all your files and your database.

- Antivirus and Antispam -All our Hosting have installed serial an Antivirus and an Antispam filter with which will avoid the majority of attacks on its Web site.


Why do we use the Comvive Hosting?

Comvive is a company specialized in the administration of Hosting dedicated high-end. Among its features are:

-High connectivity: Comvive has three large providers that allow direct connectivity with its Hosting of more than 30 GB/second.

Comvive is directly connected to the neutral point of Amsterdam (AMS-IX), that is the second point of exchange for size in the world, and thus get a direct connection with companies such as Yahoo, Microsoft and suppliers of all Europe.

And to not let's talk of peering (Exchange of traffic), also are connected to google ESPANIX, and AMS-IX with what they have a direct connection to google from Madrid and Amsterdamwhich leads to an improvement with respect to the speed of loading the websites of all customers from google, with the consequent improvement in the positioning and advantage over the competition.


Domain own your choice (.,. eu, .com,. net, .org, .info, .biz)


Do you need more features? Always exists the possibility of extend the service to an option with greater features if your store it requires and without discomfort for you.

Data sheet

Review / Update:
08/08/2012: Extending the network core to 10GB, extending connectivity of each cabinet to 3G with the core. Install new switches with 10Gb ports to the core. Installing 10G card to the main routers.
12/12/2012: Expansion of the connection with the Espanix neutral point to 10G, so all our connectivity providers are connected to 10GB, all 5 of them (Colt, Cogent, Tiscali, NTT, Espanix)