Megaproduct Advanced


Module that he allows expanding the options of the module Megaproducto with the option of viewing a text added by the customer.

Prestashop Version: PrestaShop 8
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(tax incl.)
AWPrime €194.90 info

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Why do I need this module?

If you want to sell letters and allow customer to see how will be the result by selecting typography and color, among other options, the Megaproduct Advanced module is the perfect complement for you.

Thanks to this module:

Your customers you will clearly see how will be the result of the products that are going to acquire in your shop, no surprises. In addition, thanks to Megaproduct they will also know the tostal of product cost and you can choose from all the options the most visually.

You you will offer the easiest way to sell your products to your customers and achieve that your customers are satisfied.


* IMPORTANT: Remember to run this module you need the MegaProduct module, this module is an add-on that adds extra functionality. You can find Megaproduct here.


All the features of the module:

It increases the possibilities of MegaProduct

With Megaproduct Advanced you can add even more posibililidades to your Megaproduct, because your customers can view the text with the font and color you choose, and can see better even the result.

Combine Megapraduct and Megaproduct Advanced and sell all of your products

There will be no article that we can sell these modules. With megaproduct you can set the price of the product by number of letters, height, thickness, quantity... and all without need to create combinations. You can apply surcharges for the finish, color, font... everything you need. If you have questions about whether you can sell a product as you like, please contact us.


* Remember that Megaproduct Advanced is a complement to Megaproduct and, therefore, need both modules to achieve the functionality.
