Module to manage free shipping by area


Module to configure free shipping in your online store, depending on the order amount, delivery area, weight and/or customer group.

Prestashop Version: 1.7
(tax excl.)
(tax incl.)
AWPrime €35.90 info

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Why do I need this module?

Would you like to reward your customers with free shipping when the value of your cart exceeds a minimum? Do you offer shipping to different areas and want the price to be different? Do you need the shipping cost to match the weight of the package?

The Megafreezones module allows you to indicate from which cart value the shipment will be free for your customers and from which amount it will cease to be. In addition, this module will be adapted to your needs whatever they may be since it can be configured for the various zones existing in Prestashop, for each of the carriers and depending on the weight and group of customers. Megadreezons also allow for fixed prices, weight increases and countless other combinations.

Thanks to this module:

Your customers will receive personalized attention, depending on their location, their group and the amount of the order you make each time, being able to take advantage of free orders when the value of their cart exceeds the minimum price set.

You can easily configure the price of the shipments based on various variables such as the carrier, the type of customer, the value of the order, etc.

All functionalities of the module:

Minimum and maximum value

The Megafreezones module allows you to indicate from which cart value the shipment will be free. It may also indicate from which amount the customer will have to pay the postage. You can set these values by:

  • Carrier
  • Areas
  • Customer group
  • Weight

Fixed price

Our module also allows you to set a fixed shipping price for each combination of:

  • Carrier
  • Areas
  • Customer group
  • Weight

From X €

Price increase per kilo

Megafree zones also indicate an increase in the transport price depending on the weight of the consignment. This increase will also be combined with other factors which are:

  • Carrier
  • Areas
  • Customer group
  • Weight

From X kg

We recommend supplementing Megafreezones with this other module to get the most out of your store: Quantity module remaining until free Prestashop shipping. This way your customers will always be aware of the amount they are deducting to get free shipping of the order and you will be able to increase the cost of your carts, while your customers get the benefit of not paying for the transport of the order.

Note: *Microsoft will soon stop supporting the Internet Explorer browser. For this reason we cannot take responsibility for how the module is displayed in that browser.
