6 marketing trends for 2016

Christmas has arrived. You just need to go out to see that it begins to breathe the spirit of Christmas. Whether you like these dates as if not, what can not ignore is that the new year is just around the corner.
The new year always brings changes (perhaps less than that we would like) new purposes, new ideas, new projects... and the marketing is not going to be less.
Digital marketing has undergone a major transformation in recent years, and has been, in large part thanks to technology advancing so quickly that many times us is difficult to be able to keep up.
For this reason, to be the last, marketing also has to reinvent itself and so we have to think of new strategies in the face of the 2016 so don't get caught by surprise and you can be prepared.
1. Relationship Marketing
The opportunity that have h brandsoday to be connected with their customers was unthinkable a few years ago. But gracIAS to the large number of people who have a smartphone (approximately two billion consumers around the world) this close relationship between companies and customers is possible and real. This is what is known as relationship marketing.
The main objective of this type of marketing is to focus on growing the trust and loyalty of relations with the ccraziness in the long run, avoiding those relationships that only focus on individual sales. In this way we aim to create stronger connections with customers.
2 marketing automation
Make it easier to schedule emails, target different customers, automate post on different social networks, manage the content that is published... is much easier using a platform to automate the tasks of marketing.
3. technology of in-situ marketing
Thanks to the technology of marketing on-site as iBeacons or RFID is possible to create interactive marketing experiences. iBeacons are radio transmitters that use low energy Bluetooth technology to detect nearby devices that may be located in shops, areas of promotion or points of sale.
4. virtual reality
Although the term virtual reality sounded us very far ago just a few years, such experiences are already implemented. The technology of virtual reality, as Oculus Rift, will be a big change in the way that the promoters will attract consumers next year.
5. passenger Marketing
Snapchat, although for many it remains unknown, is moving into the space of standard marketing platforms. In 2016 possible is that we come to understand that Snapchat is not only a tool that is fun to do marketing experiments, but a platform to thousands of users already used to digesting social networks in real time.
This tool requires you to offer exclusive content with expiration date that makes consumers feel connected, especially the young. This kind of marketing is exactly that, that "more is less" where communication is shorter and more direct.
6.-beyond search engines
Improve search capabilities in social networks (Facebook is working to develop its own search engine) so it seems inevitable that new forms of search will appear and develop. When the buy buttons and payment messages appear in 2016, it is quite possible to create a platform all-in-one.
Source: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/7-game-changing-marketing-trends-to-tackle-in-2016
But now all these things seem you far from your fingertips, make no mistake. Remember that technology moves much faster than what we took to digest it. Therefore prepared estate because it is possible that within short you're doing these tasks without having given or has.
The future of today is already tomorrow.
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