Needless to say that Amazon is one of the main references of e-commerce around the world. They were one of the pioneers in this type of business, and this has brought to them a great experience and notoriety. For this reason, when you think about the option of selling at Amazon is easy to find great advantages: visibility of your shop and your brand, an enviable traffic, high-demand products... However, have you ever thought you ever the disadvantages of working in the shadow of this giant? In this post I will detail the benefits and problems that can cause your company sell at Amazon.
Actualizado: 28/06/2017 1925

If you ask anyone on the internet by a marketplace to sell or buy any type of insurance product that gives you two answers: Amazon and Ebay. Us today we will focus on how selling on one of them, Amazon.

But, what is Amazon?


Amazon is an American company of electronic commerce which was born in 1994 and was one of the first companies to sell products over the internet. The past 2016, Amazon closed the year with a benefits 2,371 million dollars, thus quadrupling earnings by 2015. You can learn more about Amazon at the following link:


Knowing this, it is logical to think that the advantages of selling on Amazon for a company, especially if you're starting, are numerous. However, it is necessary to analyze the benefits and disadvantages or drawbacks of being present at Amazon at the same time you are selling with your PrestaShop online store. If you don't have your ecommerce we can help you. Find out here:


ventajas y desventajas de vender en amazon


If you are wavering between whether you should or not to sell on Amazon, the most successful response is "depends": depends of the product type, the level of competition, of the costs and, of course, the margin of benefits.


Benefits of selling at Amazon:

When you think of Amazon as online sales platform for your products, it's easy to think of all the benefits that you can report. But really what are the advantages of selling through this platform?


  • It is very easily begin to have orders in a short time. This is something that all new online business needs to accelerate sales and see how their products reach the market quickly.


  • Upload your product catalogue It is easy, especially if you already have an ecommerce and can export the database of your products. Yet you keep in mind that if your portfolio of products is very wide and have articles with many images, descriptions, etc, combinations, link that information to Amazon will take a considerable time. You can automate this process. Find out more about the module Amazon Market Place It is the most widely used and will allow you to synchronize catalog and ordering.


  • You won't have to worry about by the SEO positioning or by the marketing Since Amazon is responsible for being among the top positions of Google.


Disadvantages of Amazon as a sales channel

But not everything is good in this way, there are some questions that you should answer before making the decision to sell on amazon:


  • The economic benefit of amazon comes mainly from the percentage the price that takes every product that is sold through its platform. Therefore, before beginning to sell on Amazon you must think if the margins are bearable and profitable for your business. In addition, also you must take into account other costs that could impact your business in the long term. So, before thinking about making money need to ask the question: how much will me cost be at Amazon?


  • The competition that exists in Amazon forced to fight by the most competitive pricenot only to achieve the highest number of sales but also to get the platform to position your products in the best position. But, this is beneficial for you? There is always someone that can afford to further lower the price and, in the end, the benefits for you will be very low. The most effective is to work to provide the best service or add extras to your products to differentiate you from the competition and offer your customers a unique service.


  • And finally we must not lose sight that Amazon will have access to all your data sales. This means that you are opening the doors to decide if you want to distribute the product for themselves. Keep in mind that it is a multinational company and, therefore, it will have greater bargaining power, of purchase etc., having the possibility of offering the product cheaper than you.


Therefore, sold by Amazon is a very important decision that you have to study in depth. It is necessary to make an analysis of strategy need to carry out as well as the possibility of having a second track to this investment more long term and that will allow you to obtain greater profitability, as it is an own webshop where you don't depend on third-party. Still, if you can manage your account and define the limits, have the support of this multinational can be very beneficial to your business.

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