The importance of loading speed for positioning

It is this article explain the similarity between real life and the relationship between Google and your website in a sympathetic way.

Actualizado: 09/10/2023 1799
The importance of loading speed for positioning

There is much talk lately about the speed of the servers and the importance of this indicative to improve the positioning of our Prestashop store, but why is it so important?


The best colloquial example that I have never heard hears it from the hands of Pedro Martinez in the Congress Web Zaragoza 2012.


Imagine that your partner asks you:

You love me?

If you take more than 3 seconds to answer this clear what happens...


That night you don't convert.

Applying this simple concept in your Prestashop store you will see increase your sales and your positioning.


Autor artículos sobre Prestashop Alberto GarcíaAuthor: Alberto Garcia

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