the new version of Prestashop

While we have months listening to that Prestashop was going to launch a new version were few data that were known. Finally, the new version of Prestashop will be the and foreseeably available at the end of June.
Actualizado: 22/06/2015 1003 the new version of Prestashop

As it comes already is heard from a few weeks ago, it seems that the rumors are confirmed and Prestashop is going to release a version. The successor of version will be the version and, in principle, it will be available by the end of this month.

The new version of Prestashop is not yet stable. Does not install it in real stores

While some pages now offers links to download this new version, we want to inform you that it is not a good idea to install this update on your stores until it is proven. You must take into account that the version of Prestashop is not even stable so if you want to check all the innovations that presents it is necessary that you realize the installation in a test environment.

Version of Prestashop will highlight for its improvements in performance

Some of the improvements that this new version of Prestashop are:

- Performance: He has worked hard to improve the overall performance of Prestashop, and it shows. This new version is faster. You will notice the changes especially in increasing speed of imports, in the best indexing search and when loading rules and categories.


- Design: The appearance of the back office has been changed. You can also find some differences that you will discover as you delve into the use of this version of Prestashop.


- More options pricing and taxation: Much of the novelties of this version are located in this area. If you need to configure specific pricing, promotions, different taxes... try new options because it is likely that some of them fits your needs.


- Invoices: A new invoice template has also been included with different configurations depending on your needs.


If you want you can try all these developments and report those errors or new features that you find in relation to our modules.

But more importantly, DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR REAL STORE because it could lead to serious problems being a version that is still under development.

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