Practical solutions: create a 2 for 1 promotion

With the arrival of July the shops are filled with sales. And this not only in physical stores, but also in online trading. If you want to learn how to set up a promotion of type 2 x 1 in a fast and easy way, you have to know the Megagitf for Prestashop module.

Actualizado: 09/10/2023 3144
Practical solutions: create a 2 for 1 promotion

Arrives July and in addition to the heat, also brings with the expected REBATES. There is no person who can resist buying a little something at this time taking advantage of the benefits and promotions that are offered at all these days.

In your physical store you take years to do so and it is not a problem, but what about your online store?

Don't worry, in today's post we're going to show how to configure a product so that your customer has a type 2 x 1 offer and feel happy to shop at your store.

To configure this type of promotions that Prestashop default does not allow, AlabazWeb Pro has developed a module: MegaGift.


MegaGift allows you to create promotions of all types to fit any Prestashop store


MegaGift It is a module for Prestashop allows to configure lots of promotions, discounts, gifts, etc, to your customers for purchases over a certain price and at a date specific.

In this case, as we have already made strides, let's see one of the many options offered by this module and we will create a promotion of 2 x 1, Get two t-shirts and pay only 1.

You can choose the date for which is available this offer as for example this weekend, summer promotion, sales... In this case we can indicate the promotion begins July 1 and ends on August 31.

If your product is combinations can select the promotion only to a particular combination (only size m of orange color, for example) or for all.


Promotions will be visible for customers on the product page

The customer can see the promotion that you have inserted in this product, in this case the 2 x 1, on the same page of the article.Vista de cómo se muestran una promoción del tipo 2x1 creada con Megagift en el front office de una tienda Prestashop

When you add this product to your cart, directly two garments appear you for the price of one. In the garment of the promotion, you can see the word gift! This way the customer will know perfectly what is paying for your purchase.


Vista del carrito con una promoción del tipo 2x1 creada con Megagift en una tienda Prestashop


In the same way, with this module you can easily configure promotions of 3 x 2, 5 x 3 etc. According to the options that you need in your shop.


In this tutorial you will see more easily how to perform this configuration. In addition, also explains the way of performing other configurations with MegaGift as the option Add a gift on a purchase exceeding X€ which can be a gift, a product catalog to choose by the client or a discounted item.



As you can see the possibilities are many.

Not let cuts you exceed because organizing your store with Megagift is very simple.

Module to apply discounts, promotions 2 x 1  - Addons from PrestaShop

Module to apply discounts, promotions 2 x 1

Module for building loyalty to your customers offering them promotions, discounts or giving them products in the catalog. You can configure these promotions by date, minimum / maximum of the order.

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