Advantages of creating a blog in your online store

If you want to improve communication with your customers, but you do not know very well how to access them, a good way to start may be creating a blog's content. Discover all the advantages that this option may have for your Prestashop store and your customers.
Actualizado: 20/07/2015 743
Advantages of creating a blog in your online store

If you have a PrestaShop store and want to improve the publication with your customers, create a blog can to be one of the most easy and simple solutions. You can try any topic that you need to present new products, announce sales, offers and promotions. Exchange ideas with your customers, ask their opinion on various topics, organize events, contests... Everything you can think of. Although it takes effort, it may be a great idea since, if you do well, and are constant, it can bring great benefits to your online store.

To be effective a blog must be created with steady pace and quality inputs


In today's entry will try, precisely, the advantages that may be creating a blog for your business. But, first of all keep in mind that a blog requires constancy, not enough with publishing an entry when you have time, because you know that rarely have it. For this reason, if you think that you will not be able to maintain a pace of publications may be better leave it for another time.


However, if you think that this is the time, you can get great benefits:


-       Improve SEO: As you increase the number of pages indexed in the search engines, higher is the possibility of early pass by your store or later. The search engines the new content, love to so don't limit yourself to publish the specifications of your products or to copy the contents of your shop because that doesn't work. You can also make use of internal links to improve the positioning through SEO on site. Remember to add keywords in the content you generate, so your store will gain visibility, improve you traffic and, therefore, sales.

-       Increase traffic in your store: In addition to improving her positioning of your store can also generate more traffic by adding links from your blog entries to your store. It is true that the blog should not be simply to promote your products, but nothing happens if you do refer to them whenever this brings value to your customers and your products.

-      Become reference: As we have already said, the blog is not a place to sell your products because for that you do have your store. However, if it is a good place to establish a more direct relationship with your customers and explain the advantages they may have certain products and enhancements that will be with them. In this way you will achieve a relationship human with the users of your store.

Bocadillos que simbolizan una conversación entre empresario y clientes

-       It promotes the interactivad: Your customers can not only read what your scribes, but that they will also be able

Add your own comments, experiences, doubts. Them you can ask to indicate you the topics that most interest them and adjust your strategy based on the answers you receive.


-       Generate credibility and confidence: If you manage to maintain some consistency and quality in your publications you will be able to generate in your clients sense of confidence. You will see that you know your business, your products, that you care for your needs and that dominate the sector in which you are working. This will also help to give credibility to your brand.

Dibujo de la cara de una niña que sonríe


-       Increase the satisfaction of your customers: If you follow all these tips and with your post can provide advice to your customers, creating value in your products and expanding their advantages, they will feel more supported and it will be easier to trust in your business.





You already know the advantages that a blog can have in your shop. If you eventually go by carrying out this task, do not hesitate to tell us about your experience.

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