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Surely you've heard thousands of times that of the ON PAGE SEO, but what is it really?
The On-page SEO, as discussed in previous posts, are a series of actions that we can perform on our online store in order to improve their positioning. This will work in their content, the information present in the sample, on the links, usability... and many other factors that will help us to improve and optimize our stores.
But, you sure wonder, Where to begin? What can I do to improve it? In this post, you will have a series of very simple actions for that they will help you significantly optimize your store in order to Google, the search for excellence, the rankee positioning it at the top.
You are not going to cheat, this the SEO On-page's work, sometimes hard and tedious but certainly worth, since work on improving these parameters will help to improve the conversion of your online business.
We do not expect more and shall detail to a series of actions that will improve your SEO On-page, since you'll be contributing to Google everything he more values:
The contents of your shop must be completely original and unique. I.e., ended the copied pages of the manufacturers or the competition descriptions. Your content You must always comply with the premise of being more and better than your competition.
When creating the descriptions you provide your clients all information that may be of interest, so get in the customer's place and think about all what you want to know about the product. If you don't have many ideas, you can always go to pages or forums and see which questions are about the same and then respond to all them in your description.
The content of your descriptions must be extensive, and should include related keywords with the key term of the product.
Although it may seem a very expensive work of time or money, without a doubt, it is essential that Google correctly position your online store. So wait no longer and begins already to make unique and elaborate descriptions of your products.
It is true, that even the external links have a great importance for Google's current algorithm, however, internal links are very easy to make and will also help you to improve your positioning. To do so, it includes in the content of your CMS links to other related pages. And in the detail of your products, do not hesitate in link one or two products have a relationship with it, in the description of the product.
This will help optimize your store and will guide customers through the various pages of your online store, thus, staying longer in her. A factor that also appreciates Google.
An error common in online stores, is the creation of various products for different combinations of the same. In other words, imagine we have a clothing store and sell the same shirt in red, blue and green. In many cases, wrongly are created three distinct products one for each color, it makes the contents of the description, which the search engine considers it as duplicate content and penalizes him.
Therefore, the best option is to create one product with different combinationsThus it saves creating different descriptions for the same product and provide customer the choice of the product with its various attributes with a simple selector.
If you want that your online store is seen with good eyes by browser par excellence and optimize its position it is essential that your store has visible in one contact page, and a module of Cart usable and visible from all pages of your store.
In addition, it is essential that you include a series of information, that besides being positive to improve SEO On-page of your site, improve your store conversion, since it will generate more confidence and reliability in your users. This information of which we speak is as follows:
A CMS with information about your companythe work of this team... also can accompany her pictures of the team, the business, if it is that you have a physical headquarters...
The links to the Policy of privacy, Disclaimer and general terms... are another type of content you should include and which must be own and not copied from other websites. For this reason we recommend that you reestructures information, writing it and adapting it to your needs. If you do not know well how to do it ask for help to advise you.
It is also important that you include information with the shipping costs, delivery terms and conditionsas well as the return policy.
A tool that will help you a lot to improve and properly maintain the SEO On-page of your online store are the Webmasters tools. In them you can check if your online store has duplicate content, 404 errors and you can configure and send the Sitemapsfiles that will help you to indicate which pages must be positioned.
In addition, they can mark the importance of the site links that they appear in the list of results of Google searches or make data marker of your pages for, again, to specify structured data that should be highlighted.
Don't wait a second and begins to improve already SEO On-page of your online store on all our advice to the letter. Very friendly or attentive to our following posts estate and discover new strategies and tricks to improve your positioning.
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