Supplements or discounts for the Redsys form for Prestashop
Form to pay using the Redsys Prestashop Virtual POS system. Valid for Banco Santander, Banco Popular, Banco Pastor, Banco de Valencia, Banco Gallego...
It is becoming more common to see in the online stores that once we have made a purchase with our card, the next purchase is no longer necessary for customer to enter card information to make the purchase. This facilitates the purchase to our customers, but it is safe for them?
Customers who will buy in our Web sites want to make the buying process as simple as possible. Choose quickly what you are looking for, add it and select the form of payment and shipping... all these aspects must be easy to perform for the client, otherwise it might not complete the purchase and run out of your product and store without sale.
To facilitate purchases today, with current technologies such as mobile phones, it is possible that a customer while traveling by train or with a few friends want to buy a particular product on our website, but not it have card hand to be able to make the payment.
In order to facilitate this step customers see the option offering redsys to save information on the card of a customer who has already made a purchase, so shop the next times, does not have that request customer information and only should select the product and validate the order.
But at this moment several doubts about how that our card information is saved and if it is safe for the client, so that we are going to explain how their operation is:
At the time that customer access to the POS on the first purchase and enter your data these are stored in the POS terminal of your bank, and this is very important because the shops at any time will have the information of customer cards. Once validated the card the POS sends to store an identifier number that associate the customer card to that POS that uses the store and store that identifier is saved to send it next customer purchases. So that at any point in the process the shop is our card information, only have an identifier that customer when purchasing the next time is sent to the POS of the Bank and this processes the purchase and the valid.
Our redsys from version 7.0 module allows to make use of this possibility to offer our customers improve their process purchase.
It is very important before activating this option that we indicate to our bank that activate this functionality in the contracted POS.
If we activate "Yes with direct payment" process will eliminate all additional screens (DCC, fractionation, authentication, etc), if we only select "Yes" show us these screens in the payment process.
When the customer to make a purchase will have available two possibilities to pay another card with the usual procedure, or select the saved card payment.
In the event that use card with protection will show you screen to enter authentication code sent his mobile so will terminate the buying process.
Stores using this option are never going to be able to use this identifier to perform purchases on other Web sites since it is associated with the POS of the store and the customer card.
The client only must take into account that if you are using a public computer you must close your session so that other client not to make a purchase with your card. Although as the card is associated with an account the customer realizes it has if someone has made use of this method of payment because the session is left open.
Form to pay using the Redsys Prestashop Virtual POS system. Valid for Banco Santander, Banco Popular, Banco Pastor, Banco de Valencia, Banco Gallego...
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