Audit LOPD and LSSI


It protects the personal information of your customers and certify that you meet with the LOPD and LSSI rules to maintain the confidence of all users.

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Online trading has brought with it many advantages but also great responsibilities. Working online involves handling personal information from many users and protecting their personal integrity is one of the goals of this new network society. To certify that a company is dealing correctly the data of its clients, it is obliged to submit an audit  LOPD AND LSSI.

What is an audit of data protection?

This type of report is carried out to verify the correct implementation of security measures that it should carry out an organization according to the organic law on data protection (LOPD) and the law of services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSI or LSSICE). To comply with the data protection Act regulation, this report should be done in a way compulsory every two years in all enterprises dealing with personal data of medium-high level. That is, if you manage data from customers, employees, partners, suppliers, etc. You may also submit this file when a significant change has occurred in the type of information that it is, then need modifications in the security system, although it has spent less than the stipulated time. This report should be put at the disposal of the Spanish data protection agency (AEPD or AGPD) or to the authorities of the autonomous communities.

Also I have in mind the Cookies Act to comply with the data protection act?

Definitely Yes. AEPD also is responsible for checking that companies comply with the regulations about cookies. Cookies are information sent by a web site that is stored in a user's browser and serves to know its previous activity. To comply with the law, it is essential to notify all users of your use on our site so that they give us their permission. You can see all the information relating to the use of the AGPD cookies in the following enlace:

What happens if you don't meet the rules of data protection?

One of the leading causes of failure to comply with the LOPD and LSSI, as with the rest of laws, is that it involves a sanction. According to the organic law of protection of data, not to present the audit represents a serious offense that entails economic fines of between €40.001 to €300.000 being able to get even the €600,000 for offences considered very serious. You can see it here.

The power over personal information belongs only to its owner

But, leaving aside the economic penalties, failure to comply with rules of LOPD and LSSI is also violate the right to privacy of all people who have given you consent to handle their data, relying on your good do. It is your responsibility manage that information and to ensure confidentiality. Transgressing this rule not only would lead to distrust of all your customers if not also a major blow to the reputation of your company. Therefore, if you are thinking in yield data, make use of them for your marketing campaigns, to use the files for any other purpose for which they were created or, simply, you are not keeping with the required security information, think twice, because it can mean the end of your business. With the law do not play it yourself and only relies on professionals. So in AlabazWeb Pro we have the colaboriacion of a team of lawyers specialized in the field of e-commerce and data protection. Endorse them years of experience in conducting audits in all types of businesses and sectors.

If you're not sure if you have to complete the audit of your company's data protection or if you are complying with the regulations in force, do not hesitate and contact us. We will take care to inform you of everything you need.
