Usability Web


Improving the usability of your PrestaShop creating a simple and intuitive web and get the users on your web experience is incomparable.

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If you want to improve the user experience in your store online PrestaShop and make your customers feel comfortable key is in getting that they know where they are and where they can go at any time, that the buying process is simple, you do not have to waste your time and finish their management in a few minutes. And all of this is achieved by working the usability (Ux).

What is web usability?

The usability (from the English usability) is, as its name suggests, the ease in the use of that particular object or system. In the case of web usability, the term refers to the interaction between the user and a web site. (More info here)

To determine that a website is usable, five issues are taken into account:

  • Ease of learning: A visitor who enters your store for the first time is able to perform basic operations as a record, a purchase, find a product in particular?
  • Simplicity and efficiency of use: How long does take your customer to perform a task in your ecommerce once it has learned to use the system?
  • Ability to recall its operation: If a user returns to your site after a time, is he able to remember how to use it?
  • Errors: How many errors are committed by a user on your site?, how serious are they?, how often occur?
  • Satisfaction: If we ask one of your users how enjoyable it is to shop at your store online, what would it say?

How can I improve the usability of my web?

  • Responsive web design: It is essential to get get the accessibility of your website to improve on all devices. Increasingly there are more users who use mobile phones or tablets to perform any management on the internet, so your website must see and work perfectly on any terminal. Do you need help to improve the design of your site? Contact us.
  • Language: Just as it is important that your website works on all devices, it is also that work in different languages. If you know you have clients from different countries, you have to make your interaction with your website as good, regardless of their language.
  • Improving the SEO: The search engine positioning of your site should always go hand in hand with usability. It is all very well having your website among the first results, but what is if users are because you can't do anything on your website? And if not, even if you have a simple web, usable, effective, if no one comes to her for what? Always, always and forever usability must be attached to your marketing strategy. If you need you advice on the positioning of your site or believe a marketing strategy for you, call us.
  • Loading speed: Another important aspect to determine the usability of your website is the loading speed. You must get to reduce this time because, although the experience of your users is good, if it takes too long to load or the navigation is very slow, your users will leave. You don't know how to increase the speed of your website? Contact us and we will make a WPO audit of your web site.

What benefits does improve the user experience?

Make your website usable can make the difference between success and failure. A simple, effective, efficient page and that generates satisfaction in users define your quality and your effort to make your users feel comfortable. In addition, work the Ux of your website will generate several benefits:

  • Lower bounce rate and increased traffic.
  • It will increase the conversion rate.
  • Reduce the user help and customer service costs by minimizing his mistakes.
  • You will have happy and satisfied users. improving your comfort and satisfaction.

In AlabazWeb we have a team of experts in all areas of e-commerce which will help you to enhance the functionality of your site, focusing on the aspects necessary to make your store in which everyone wants to buy. Contact us!

Wait no more and start now to work to improve the user experience in your web site
