Communication plan


It establishes your company's communication strategy and unveils your products, services and values standing out above your competition.

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Be the best in your industry, offering a wide selection of products and services to your clients and competitive prices is fine. But what it is if anyone knows it? Communicate with your customers is vital. It matters little if you're a small business or a large entity because the important thing will be to adjust your communication strategy to your needs. And that's where we can help you, creating a communication plan especially designed for you.

A communication plan It contains a company's internal and external communication strategy guidelines, based on the study of your situation and goals.

Why do I need a communication plan?

What does not communicate, does not exist. Therefore it is essential to have a communication plan that evangelize your products, services and values and, ultimately, your brand. We tend to think that it is only important to communicate with the outside, with our potential customers, but also having an internal communications plan will help you and all your gear street vendors in the same way.

These are the advantages of each of them:

Internal communications plan External communication plan
It transmits your values to your employees and partners  It improves your brand image 
It helps to maintain the good relationship between the members of the company  It gives your products and services 
It allows that all are informed of any new  Increasing the memory of your image  
It motivates staff and improves productivity  It helps to position yourself in the mind of consumers 
It facilitates the adaptation to changes 
Improve communication with your customers 

Another important aspect that you should keep in mind when developing a communication plan will be the way to react to unforeseen negative reviews, products in poor condition or any other delicate time. To do this, you must also have a Plan of online reputation be consistent with your communication plan. You can get all the information here

Steps to create a custom communication plan

Most importantly a communication plan is to be effective, is to be designed especially for your business from the beginning until the end. Therefore, we will follow the following guidelines to create your communication strategy.

  1. We will study the company and its environment on the basis of three types of analysis: 
    -PEST analysis: We will study the political, economic, social and technological situation that you face.
    -SWOT analysis: We assess the threats and opportunities that we face, as well as to the strengths and weaknesses of your brand.
    -Competitive analysis:
    We will identify your competitors and your strategy.
  2. We will define the objectives taking into account where you want to be in the medium and long term and always following the rule S.M.A.R.T., objectives specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, and time.
  3. We will establish the target audience where we want to go and the message most appropriate to each case.
  4. We will design your strategy and for that you can run ittaking into account all previous aspects. They can be online, offline marketing or public relations actions.
  5. We will measure and evaluate results once the campaign to check if the objectives, benefits, which can be improved are fulfilled...

Remember that your communication plan must be integrated with the marketing plan of your company. If you have not yet set your marketing strategy leave it in our hands and we will help you in everything you need.
