Adwords campaign


Get the most out of your investment in SEM counting with the help of our team of professionals to advise you on your Adwords campaign.

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If you are thinking of creating a campaign of marketing for your business insurance that you've raised you start with an ad campaign of payment in Google that you place in the top of the list, but you really know what you're doing and how is Google Adwords?

What is Google Adwords and how it works?

Google Adwords It is the platform that uses Google to create sponsored advertising, i.e., SEM campaigns.
The SEM, Search Engine Marketing (Search Engine Marketing), is based in the use of tools and strategies to increase the visibility and the accessibility of a web site through search engines. Unlike in the SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM campaigns are not free, since Google charges the user by CPC (cost per click) that is made on your ad. Thus, increased traffic, increased cost of the campaign. It is the owner that indicates the maximum amount you are willing to pay for each click of a certain word since, obviously, not all words have the same cost, or the same competition.

What benefits can Adwords bring to my business?
Appear in the top positions of Google: this is the main advantage and that they will lead all the others, but becoming the first depends not only on your investment. Google will reward the quality of your ad and your website.

  • Increase traffic: Appear among the first results of the search engine will generate many more visits on your website.
  • Segmentation: The SEM campaigns segment very well to the recipients of your campaign. You can define your campaign on the basis of age, sex, hobbies of the recipient, its geographical location and even determine what time your ad will appear.
  • Conversions: If your ad goes live to your potential audience will be much easier to achieve the conversion and get loyal customer.
  • Results in the short term: As well as achieve a good position in Google through SEO requires time, work and effort, with your campaign week look like your listings receive visits within minutes of being published.

Is this really effective AdWords campaign?

In relation to other types of advertising, we have to say that payment in Google campaigns are very effective. You only samples to who you want and when you want to, making the announcement just your potential customers see it.

But, like everything else, achieve results requires very familiar with the tool and have experience. AdWords is based on a complicated system of bids and needs an important earlier study so it is advisable to have the support of experts who know where and when to invest. What a campaign with a CTR (Click Through Ratio) is very high, if no visit turns into sales? You'll be spending hundreds or thousands of euros without achieving any results.

In AlabazWeb we have a team of marketing experts certified by Google to help you optimize your campaign and get the maximum return on your investment, knowing at any moment where is the performance that generates for your business and your money. The key to the success of an AdWords campaign is not dependent on having a big budget, but know how to handle it.

Complement your SEM SEO campaign? We can also help you. You can see all the info here.
