Solve the doubts of your customers from the mobile

Offer your clients a good information of a product is essential so they buy it. If that add you a good service to the client that resolves their doubts the moment, then you'll have much cattle. If you don't want to always be in the administration of your shop, now you have the option to respond to questions from the users of your store from your email. On your mobile your tablet, your computer... responds to your customers wherever you are.

Actualizado: 09/10/2023 1041
Solve the doubts of your customers from the mobile

A good customer service is essential to many of the users of your store. Send doubts easily and that they are answered in a short time can be the difference between a satisfied customer and lost one.


Anticipate questions from your customers and find the best way to respond


By very comprehensive to be your shop and your products information, there will always be users who will need to know some data that you've not added. It is understandable that not always you can to be in the administration of your store waiting for a customer to contact you, but you can not risk losing a purchase just for that.


Today we offer you a very practical solution, to answer questions from your clients your own Smartphone, Tablet or computer. You only need an email and the MegaAsk module.


MegaAsk your customers can send their questions from the product page

With MegaAsk your customers will not have to move from the product page that interests them, or call by phone, or search for a contact, nothing... They will just have to click on the button Ask us, indicate the requested fields and make your inquiry.

botón pregúntanos en el módulo MegaAsk


You, as an administrator, you can configure the data you want to provide your customers: name, e-mail address, phone... depending on how want it to respond.

When a client sends a query, this you will get to the email address that you have indicated by what you can respond directly from your tablet, mobile phone or computer, without accessing the backoffice of your store.


You can see all the advantages of the module in this funny video:

It offers your customers a personalized service from anywhere with MegaAsk.


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